This site is acting crazy.
On my "alerts" for new posts, it shows (copied below) your response but NONE on this site...
Thank you SRT. Here is what I did so far. I removed the heads and I found both head gaskets to be in good shape. Also the valve stem seals seem to be tight and snug and the valves themselves virtually have no excessive play in their guides. If there was a problem with the piston rings would I still have that good a compression on either cylinder 130 +/- 2? Do you think I should put the heads back on and do a leak down test? Would that tell me more? Thanks Rick
End quote.
leak down test would show how well the rings, valves, etc are sealing, (of course).
I suspect their sealing just fine (compression shows us that), but does not tell us anything about the
oil rings.
You've done / checked about everything on the top end and ruled that out.
Besides the time to pull the engine, you'd only need a side cover gasket
AFTER pulling the side cover, pistons and rings out.
I'd check that as your that deep and it really isn't much more to do
(as you seem to be fine with mechanicals)...