Did you spray carb cleaner or starting fluid and did it kick???
Please answer honestly, or do it now. Your making it more difficult to diagnose.
Re the fuel pump.. I don't know what your looking at but STOCK, there is no pump under the
main cover and definitly NOT under the flywheel.
A vacuum pump style would have one line tapped into the valve cover, the other 2 lines would go into the carb, #2 from the tank to the carb.. That unit would be bolted to the outside main cover.
As for the solenoid, disconnect the harness(2 wires) and put a 12 volt probe into the harness.
One line is ground, the other 12 volts when the key is in RUN POSITION AND CRANK POSITION.
If no power, the solenoid will not work...
Can you post a pic of what you believe is for the fuel pump?