2024/06/04 19:40:21
Hey guys, i just replace push rods on my mower due to the valve guide backing off on the exhaust valve. I have to new rods in and back together but when I go to set the clearance I can’t get any gap between the rocker and lifter, the adjustment screw comes out completely and I’m not able to achieve any clearance.
2024/06/05 08:12:16
Two things...
  Check the length of the new ones against the old ones...
  Make sure the push rod is located correctly up against the lifter.
2024/06/05 09:38:46
Length is what I was thinking, unfortunately I don’t have the old one to compare to, I have to fish them out of the dip stick. After looking into the parts diagram on like I believe I bought the wrong push rods. I have the correct rods coming in tomorrow and will update. Thank you for the response!
2024/06/05 12:12:16
The push rods are in the engine sump?
If so, I'd be pulling the sump off and removing them/ shredded debris.
All that debris will absolutely destroy the engine very fast...
2024/06/05 21:10:23
I would have to agree but I will say this. It’s been running this way on one cylinder for over a year, given to me by my father n law. I saw several videos online where people take the dip stick off and put the motor on an incline to remove the push rods from the case and plan to give that a try first.
2024/06/06 07:28:31
Perhaps their laying in the sump, not touching anything...
But, "Do you feel lucky ....?"    
Something to consider..
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