I have a mower with a 725 EXI engine. I am not a fan of these plastic carburetors I can already say. I took the carburetor apart because it wouldn't start. It didn't appear to be gummed up too badly. Honestly it looked very clean. I went ahead and took everything apart and cleaned it anyway. Tried to start the mower with fresh gas and nothing happens.
I checked the plug see what was going on. The plug was wet so I know fuel is getting to the plug. If I spray carb cleaner into the cylinder and hook everything back up it will start for just a few seconds and then die, so it looks like it is getting spark.
I have tried starting it with and without the air filter and with and without the exhaust on it. It makes no difference. I was really hoping there might be a difference so I could determine that maybe there is some sort of air restriction. But I'm not seeing anything.
Does anyone have any ideas about what else it could be? Thanks in advance!