So a single throttle cable, no separate second cable for the choke, correct?
So with that said, (and I think you also mean), the throttle pulled back is idle.
Pushed forward increases the speed, eventually to approx 3,600 RPMs (WOT).
Pushing forward beyond that activates the choke (and WOT remains), correct?
Now on the speed control lever (that you push from the riding position), you may feel
a click or slight indentation. IF there, that's the operating, WOT notch
(so you don't go past and run the machine on choke).
My 18 HP Briggs single (Zero turn), throttle lever has the same actuation,
but all my linkages at the engine is different from yours.
Of course you can adjust the cable at the engine.
I'd push the throttle forward, to full choke-loosen and then set the cable adjustment
to get full choke. Lock down the cable. There's some give and take there, you just want to make sure your getting the full range of the throttle(and full choke).