2025/01/11 11:24:13
Kohler sh265 ARGGGHHH!
I have a this engine on a County Line log splitter. A month ago, it started having issues. It would start and run well for a few minutes and then simply die. Would start right up again, but once more only run, albeit well, for a minute then die. I pulled and cleaned the carb, checked the float, jets and needle valve. Re-installed. Same issues. Then I drained and cleaned the tank thinking that debris was periodically clogging the filter. Re-installed after adding a new filter and fuel line. It started right up but same issue. I then thought coil and/or the plug. I replaced both, which included a new plug wire as well. Same problem. Okay, maybe an air leak. I had a new carb on hand with new gaskets, so I replaced the carb and intake gaskets. Same problem. I am at wits end here. It starts easily, runs well for a few minutes, then dies. HELP its cold and I've split enough wood by hand!