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Trouble with a Kohler CH 760-3051 engine

I have a Kohler CH750 30 hp engine that is giving me issues.  The engine starts and runs great. However, after warming up the engine and opening the throttle wide open the engine starts surging or it may start to belch out lots of heavy grey smoke and appear to run on only one cylinder. I figured it needed new spark plugs and replaced them.  Engine still did the same thing.   I then thought there may be a head gasket issue as the engine oil had gas in it.  I replaced the oil and installed a new head gasket on the cylinder that happen to have a black oily coating on one side of the cylinder head.  After removing the head there was a gas/oil mix laying in the cylinder.  The valves, piston and cylinder walls were good.  I would have bet money that that was what was wrong.  However, after installing the head gasket the engine did the same thing.
I assumed that one of the coils was bad.  Replaced both to the new Kohler 2 wire kit and this did not fix the problem.  I also removed the flywheel to see if the key was sheared or damaged which it wasn't. I replaced the other head gaskets and checked the valves for leaks, no problem.  I removed the fuel shut off solenoid to test it - worked as it should.  No change on the operation.  Figured that maybe the engine was either starved for fuel or was overfueling.  Opened the gas cap on the tank, cleaned the fuel sump supply line and removed the filter to no avail.  When revving the engine it will sometimes burp up oil/gas solution and blow it out the air throat in a spray.  Almost like a backfire.  I am stumped as to what the issue is with this motor.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.   

Wizard 148cc push mower engine

Just curious if anyone can help identify or point me in the right direction on this type of engine to get parts or atleast compatible
parts and history of them. I'm new to small engines and like to just tinker with them but can't find much on them except it was typically sold at western auto stores and seems to have been more on a tiller. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Have pictures but can't get them to load but I'll keep trying.

Need help finding model/year of Snowhound

Hi, everyone! I am at the end of my chain trying to locate the year of manufacturer and real model of my Toro Snowhound. I picked this little guy up for 50 bucks back in 2021 and it works awesome. Just ordered a new belt for it as it is worn. The throttle cable is stuck full open so I intend to replace it wit a new one. It looks to be non original anyway so I want something that is a little less of a hack job.

The seller told me it was a Snowhound 20, Model #31301 Serial # 1800 502033, Tecumseh 4 cycle 3.5 Hp. However, it has a Brigs and Stratton upon inspection and I can't find references to the serial/model combo anywhere on Toro's site. I also use the number at the top of the badge that is 3 078 603 at the top of the badge. He mentioned it was built in 1979 but I don't think they made them that late. The engine code looks to be 1964. Engine model and type is 81202 0170 01

I am unable to share pictures. I teied uploaing but it failed. Sharing a onedrive link failed as well. Thanks for any and all help! Apologies for typos. Did this all on mobile.

Kohler sh265 ARGGGHHH!

I have a this engine on a County Line log splitter.  A month ago, it started having issues.  It would start and run well for a few minutes and then simply die.  Would start right up again, but once more only run, albeit well, for a minute then die.  I pulled and cleaned the carb, checked the float, jets and needle valve. Re-installed.  Same issues.  Then I drained and cleaned the tank thinking that debris was periodically clogging the filter.  Re-installed after adding a new filter and fuel line.  It started right up but same issue.  I then thought coil and/or the plug.  I replaced both, which included a new plug wire as well.  Same problem.  Okay, maybe an air leak.  I had a new carb on hand with new gaskets, so I replaced the carb and intake gaskets.  Same problem.  I am at wits end here.  It starts easily, runs well for a few minutes, then dies.  HELP its cold and I've split enough wood by hand!

Power Clear 418 ZE Over Priming... WHAT GIVES?!?

Hey folks,
So, I snagged a free snowblower off Facebook Marketplace—because who doesn’t love a good project, right? Had an absolute blast taking it apart and learning the ins and outs of how these machines work. Got it to start, but... it idles rough.
Figured the carburetor might be the culprit, so I gave it a good soak in a Pine-Sol bath overnight (that stuff works wonders sometimes), but no luck. While poking around, I noticed two screws on the carb: one was already looking pretty sad and stripped, and the other seemed to have no notches at all. I think one of them was for adjusting the idle, but honestly, I’m not 100% sure.
In my infinite wisdom, I decided to try removing the screw to check things out further, but, yep, I managed to completely strip it. At that point, I threw in the towel and went to Amazon for a replacement carburetor. Found one that matches the part number (#119-1980), slapped it on, and... now we’ve got a new issue.
When I press the original primer bulb, I get a small stream of gasoline dripping from the carb. I haven’t tried priming with the cover off yet, but my understanding is that the primer’s main job is to send a little gas through the main jet. Nothing else has changed—same gas lines and all—so I’m scratching my head. Blower sounds great when idling though.
Here’s the thing: I’d love to sell this snowblower, but this over-priming situation is making me a bit nervous. I don’t want the buyer to think something’s majorly wrong. Should I mess with the fuel lines? Replace the primer line? Or maybe I’m missing something obvious?
Appreciate any tips or tricks you’ve got!

Model: Power Clear 418 ZE
Model #: 38282

Flywheel teeth broken Tecumseh H70 engine on 1977 Ariens

Have an Ariens ST724 model 924032-008001. 1977. Snowblower
Has Tecumseh H70, model 1302100 SnowKing engine.
The flywheel has 18 broken teeth, so I need to find the correct one and a bit of "DIY, how to do the change."
I found numbers, (if correct?) 30811A Flywheel, and a 6111085 Flywheel (more than half the new cost of the machine in 77!) I do not know difference between them. Maybe should go for a used one if available?? (guess check see if magnets still make it work?) NO headlight on the Ariens.
Also, the engine shroud must come off, but two bolts on the engine lift ring, are they head bolts, or just bolts. Will that be an issue? When removing shroud? Any guidance on doing this repair would be helpful Thanks
Thanks I am stuck and too old to hand pull the engine.

Troy bilt storm2620

I am replacing the worm gear for the auger and trying to find out the type of grease that is in the gear case. Seems pretty light which would make sense because of the cold. Thanks Rob


We have a Troy bilt model 42049 snow blower.  Starts fine , 1 - 2 pulls ,  it is well maintained.  my question - I've noticed @ full throttle blowing snow  # 2 speed ,  machine rpm's are good but  into a bit deeper snow it never seems to engage the governor ??  fast speed is 3400 rpm with a digital tach.  the machine is old but it is spotless not rust at all. oil changed every fall and a new plug.  ???    Thanks
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