WaterworksI am having another go at fixing this , I have isolated all the electrics, oil switch, inverter board , carb stepoer motor , run the engine over with a drill and there is a continuous spark , there is enough compression , i have checked the pushrods and clearances, the carb was hardly used and clean but I stripped it and blew every passage way out with carb cleaner, the thing won't run in any position of the throttle or choke now, it will fire over with East Start though. Can't be anything but the carb but there are no parts for this engine and its not one of the generic Chinese carbs on eBay .
SRTsFZ6So the float, at it's highest point (carb in operating position) is too close to float bowl? It obviously should be level the the carb body when inverted (needle closed). Just to confirm, the float with the needle closed, hangs down too far, correct? .