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Gx390 issues

I’ve got a clone gx390 13 hp generator. The carb developed a leak. I replaced it and now I can’t get it to start. I thought the first replacement carb might have been bad so sent it back and ordered another one. Same problem. I can sometimes get it started by forcing the throttle to minimum and holding it there. Then if I open it slowly it will run at speed for a bit then stumble and start surging and backfiring. The governor seems to be working okay. But when the engine is off, governor forces WOT. Is that normal? That seems to be causing the hard start problem. Not sure what is making it stumble at speed.
This is really frustrating, since it ran okay before swapping the carb. Heeeelllp!

Husqvarna YTH18542

I most likely need to pull the Intek 18.5 out and repair it but by the time I purchase the parts to repair for $300 more I could purchase a brand new Enduro 19 hp engine. Is it a simple or fairly simple “plug and play” swap? Thank you for looking at my thread.

Tecumseh on 1977 Ariens flywheel

Hi All1.
I have a 1977 Ariens ST724 model 924032-008001 with a Tecumseh H70 130210d 7 horse power engine with electric starter 33518A, no lights, points.
One extremely cold morning the electric starter broke more teeth off the flywheel ring gear (I had a few already missing). The electric starter gear is still good. Now I must use the recoil pull start the machine.
I have not taken it apart as it still is snowing here, and need the snowblower running and it is too cold for this 71 year old to fix outside. The issue I am running into is I have gotten various part numbers for the flywheel. Possibly due to cross reference numbers or wrongly identified parts. (I am not sure how many teeth on were flywheel itself, nor the starter pinion.) Here is some what I got:
610694A flywheel, points, coil
30811A flywheel only
611042 ? flywheel 
611085 ? maybe electronic flywheel, new models?
What is correct flywheel?   no lights points ignition.
How can I know if a used flywheel is good? To be in specs to excite ignition? 
How many teeth on starter pinion if I replace it too?
Any help welcome, as I have to fix this myself as shop costs are out of my budget.

ZTH 4218 Model 968999167

My Husqvarna zero turn was built in 2002. It runs fine but the deck is very loud. I was told I need new spindles but they aren't available. Not being a mechanic, I was wondering if the bearings could be the issue and if so can they be replaced without damaging the spindles and would those bearings even be avaiable. 

subaru/robin EH65 carb needed

i have a SXS with a subaru/robin 653cc V-twin in need of a carb, this engine has the 2 barrel carb and its part number is
it has the Nikki carb with #s 9411 then 150041016 then under those numbers is 266-604
all my research shows it to be discontinued
my question is: is there another carb out there that will replace it?
Thanks for the help!

I Suddenly Had A Thought . . .

A few days ago, a thought popped into my head. As a teenager I had a Cushman Eagle motor scooter with a 5-HP 4-stroke engine. I used to set the points by rotating the crankshaft around until the cam on the crankshaft opened the points. Then I would set them at .030. So now I'm thinking that if the points opened every revolution of the crankshaft and that fired the sparkplug then the sparkplug would have fired on the compression stroke of the piston and also fired on the exhaust stroke of the piston. IE., 2 revolutions of the crankshaft = 4 strokes, 2 revolutions of the crankshaft = points open twice and spark plug fires each time. I can't get the fact that the sparkplug also fired on the exhaust stroke out of my head. Anyone thinking differently?

Tecumseh OHSK130 on ST1336LE

Traced oil leak to the valve adjustment bolts extending out bottom of valve casing. Engine has never been worked on before. Should bolts be out the bottom? Prob 1/8 inch

Re: 5.5 H/P craftsman tiler model# 917292402 runs great but wont rev up.

Hello my tiler runs and idles but won’t rev up. all the govener springs appear to be hooked up and it will rev up if I manually Throttle it up with the throttle linkage on the carb. I am a motorcycle mechanic but know nothing about goveners and how the work. Is there a schematic available  to show the location and routing of these springs? 
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