- Got out our leaf vacuum a week ago to start picking up all the leaves that have come down.
- On first try, engine fired and then died. Further cranking, shots of starting fluid, etc. and the engine did not fire.
- Kept checking things and determined there was no spark.
Disassembled things with these actions/results:
- Flywheel magnet passes the 3/4" screwdriver attraction test.
- Tried a new Chinese ignition coil.
Still no spark.
- Ordered and installed a new Tecumseh 34443 ignition coil. Left the coil kill switch wire off the coil. Set the coil air gap to the 0.0125" spec.
- Installed new NGK BR7ES spark plug
Still no spark.
- Reduced the coil air gap to 0.008" to increase magnetic coupling.
Still no spark.
- Tried another new BR7ES plug.
Still no spark.
- Put a 3/4" socket into my impact driver to spin the engine over faster and (?) increase the ignition voltage.
Still no spark.
- Replaced spark plug with adjustable-gap type spark tester, grounded directly to the engine frame.
Still no spark.
What am I missing? What do I do to get this engine running? Right now the test setup is a coil, the flywheel, and a spark plug. What elsedo I do?